Friday, October 31, 2008

Task 22: Second Life

Need I say I've hardly time to do what I want to do in my first life (enough of my rant). Seriously, the Star Wars application that the 6 year old narrator of one of the discovery resources mentioned looked interesting if I felt like escaping to a galaxy far, far away. I am sure that for the creative types out there it offers a whole range of applications. I'm just wondering what sort of Avatar I'd give myself - mind boggles really.

I read the article that rockchicklibrarian mentioned (thanks!) and you really have to wonder what people are doing spending 6 hours a night pretending to be someone that they are not - is it a way of hiding from the mundane aspect of real life - but who am I to criticise - some people would probably think that escaping into fiction and living vicariously through other people's lives (ie. fiction) is a form of escapism as well. I have to ask the question though from that article - if you are married in second life and married in real life - are you a bigamist?

From a university point of view, I have heard people bandying around ideas about this for quite a while but have yet to see anything fabulous. Perhaps there will be great potential. When I read this article in UQ News and read that it cost (gulp!) $30 000 to set this up I had to wonder. I honestly believe that in a cosmopolitan city like Brisbane it is not an expensive trip to see a Taoist temple - many schools who teach Study of Religion in years 11 and 12 have been taking their students to visit mosques, churches, temples etc for years without great expense or disruption to the worshippers. I can see it could be useful for remote students but you're not going to get to smell the incense via your computer (unless of course it comes with smellevision!)

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