Monday, October 20, 2008

Task 9 - Library RSS Feeds

I think that when I am searching for feeds I experience what I term the "video store dilemma"; it is the same feeling that I get when I am at Video Ezy. I read reviews of movies, I have a list of movies that I would like to see but once I get to the video store and start browsing, every thought that I have had in my head disappears and I cannot remember what I am interested in looking at! I find searching the net and searching for feeds was the same - I look blankly at the screen and think "what am I interested in?" Maybe this is just telling me that I don't have many interests.

Which method of finding feeds did you find easiest to use?
As mentioned the browsing option was interesting but you need to go through an awful lot of info to find something appealing. I read lots of "human interest" stories but nothing that I have a burning need to know about.
It is also pretty easy to type into bloglines and let it find the feed for you.

Which Search tool was the easiest for you?
I liked Technorati the best.

I also just used the feed locator on some of the websites that I go to and linked to them via bloglines.

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