Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Task 14: Getting not-so-technical with Technorati

1. Take a look at Technorati and try doing a keyword search for “Learning 2.0” in Blog posts, in tags and in the Blog Directory. Are the results different?

Well first of all I thought I'd search without forcing a phrase - a search on plain learning 2.0 was useless -6,510 posts, 942 blogs, 1 683 tags.

Searching for "learning 2.0" gave me 1 615 posts, 351 blogs and 651 tags.

2. Explore popular blog, searches and tags. Is anything interesting or surprising in your results?

I looked around at a few popular sites - lots of mildly interesting commentary about the American election but frankly it doesn't really do it for me. A lot of people are chatting about things that I'm not interested in. Still seems to me (self included now) that there are a lot of people writing comments that no one is going to read.

I'd much rather go for a walk, read a novel, listen to music, watch movies and talk face-2-face than read other people's blogs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Google Blog Search searches in a slightly more "normal" way than Technorati does, I found it gave better results.

Of course that doesn't solve your problem about not being a blog fan - your choice!!